Dental Sedation in Langford
For Reduction of Anxiety
Fear of the dentist, or of dental work, is not uncommon among children or adults. Unfortunately, fear of dental work can have the effect of causing dental patients to delay being seen by their dentists, and small challenges can quickly become dental emergencies if their condition worsens in the absence of timely intervention.
Dental Sedation in Langford
For Reduction of Anxiety
Fear of the dentist, or of dental work, is not uncommon among children or adults. Unfortunately, fear of dental work can have the effect of causing dental patients to delay being seen by their dentists, and small challenges can quickly become dental emergencies if their condition worsens in the absence of timely intervention.

Anxiety or fear can be triggered spontaneously or unconsciously in patients whose nervous systems respond to their environment with a fight-or-flight response. This response floods the blood stream with stress hormones with the effect of diverting blood away from the digestive system and into the extremities where they will be used to energize the defense system (fight) or run away (flight).
Our physiology benefitted from the fight-or-flight response to help us survive our day as, for example, hunter-gatherers. These days, our environmental threats have reduced substantially, but our limbic systems still can’t tell the difference between a real or a perceived threat. The result can be an unconscious response to stress which leaves patients feeling anxious.
Medical sedation offers anxious patients relief from the physical symptoms of anxiety and encourages a state of relaxation and calm.
Sedation at Parkway
At Parkway Dental we offer sedation options to help you or your child manage symptoms of anxiety. We offer minimal sedation, which means we use either an oral medication or ‘laughing gas’. These may be utilized together. We also offer moderate sedation through IV.
To discuss sedation options, please speak with your dentist.
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Deeper Forms of Sedation
Most dental procedures requiring sedation can be comfortably and safely offered right in our clinic. Some more involved procedures requiring extensive work may be best suited for clinical environments that offer deeper sedation options. If this is the case, your dentist will offer to refer you to another dental professional who can meet these specific needs.
Moderate sedation is the level of sedation at which the patient maintains a stable heart beat independently and breathes on their own. When you are moderately sedated, you maintain consciousness and can respond to verbal cues with or without gentle physical stimulus. Moderate sedation is typically offered intravenously, leading it to be known as IV sedation.
Deep sedation occurs under general anesthetic and is typically required only for complex cases. When a patient is under general anesthetic, they do not respond to touch or voice cues and they are fully unconscious. Unconscious patients under deep sedation rely on medical apparatus to breathe.
Tips to Help Manage Anxiety at The Dentist
Sedation is not the only thing that can be done to assist you in managing dental anxiety. Developing a relationship with your family dentist can assist you in feeling more comfortable in the environment, so we suggest choosing a family dentist who will support the evolving dental needs of all members of the family over time.
If you are feeling nervous, we suggest bringing a friend, partner or family member along to help provide comfort, moral support and maybe even some distraction from the preoccupation of worry. Once your appointment begins, it will be the dentist’s primary priority to ease your concerns and relax you into a state that facilitates a pleasant experience during your procedure.

Parkway Dental Services
Parkway Dental Clinic offers a full range of dental services in Langford. From Checkups & Cleanings to Invisalign to Cosmetic Dentistry!
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961 Langford Parkway
Langford, BC V9B 0A5
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